I Want to PUMP You Up!

I recently returned from California where I was studying Pumping of the Trunk and Pelvis. I thought I had skills after 18yrs with my wife--but she's the one who said I should go....

Our teacher was Dr. Guy Voyer (http://www.guyvoyer.com/eng/index.htm).  And though my first experience with him in Dallas last year had me seriously questioning if I was ready for the level of knowledge he was unloading on me, this course confirmed a few things--1) I could eventually understand his thick French accent, 2) Like most of us, I learn best in layers, and 3) These techniques were really going to help my clientele.

Articular pumping (and there are over 600 different ones) is a gentle but extremely effective method of re-hydrating specific structures of the body.  From bursa to ligaments to tendons, all the tissues of the body need to be well hydrated with various bodily fluids to remain healthy.  Indeed, I'll quote Dr. Voyer when he says, "the day this fluid stops moving is the day you die."  You probably don't need such a bold statement to convince you.  After all, pain is a good motivator.  And pumping can help you alleviate and even eliminate years of pain and dysfunction such as

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • and much more
One of the most important reasons to use articular pumping is that it helps normalize the tissues.  So, even if you aren't currently suffering from any symptoms or known pathologies, these techniques can prepare the body so that you benefit more from your stretching and corrective exercise program.  That means more health and more performance.  Though, for me, that's probably a bit redundant--I consider those two terms synonymous.  And if you're curious as to why I feel that way, ask some of my clientele or come in and experience Triumph Training for yourself.     

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