365 Ways #72–The fight against bottled water
#72–Since Take Back the Tap started in 2005, they’ve been urging consumers to take back the tap. And just this week there have been some encouraging signs that the bottled water industry is on the decline. Dannon, the owner of the Evian bottled water brand, just reported a 10 percent decline in its 2009 sales, and Nestle Waters of North America recently reported its bottled water sales fell by 5.5 percent last year. Consumers are realizing that tap water is an environmentally responsible choice that costs much less.
We have an important opportunity to stand up for tap water on World Water Day, which is March 22nd. World Water Day was established by the United Nations to bring international attention to global water problems. Though the day is behind us on the calendar, celebration of this movement continues. So I am asking you to take the pledge to stop drinking bottled water. This environmentally damaging product actually contributes to the world’s water problems which you can learn more about by watching the documentary F.L.O.W.
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