U.nsurpassed S.tupid D.iet A.dvice

First there was the Basic Food Groups. And maybe that was o.k. as I basically ate just 4 foods as a kid: pb & j (and that only counted as one, not three), chips and fries (there was my veggie), skim milk, and hot dogs (is it any wonder I have Leukemia?). Then along came the USDA Food Pyramid. That got bastardized in 2005 into a revised version which featured steps "to a healthier you".

Unfortunately, the U.S. population didn't get healthier. We got sicker. And fatter. And more depressed. Until we came around full circle back to eating just four foods again--this time it was corn, soy, wheat, and dairy.

Speaking of circles, now comes the next version of government guided diet brainwashing. The latest design is meant to appeal to the dumb-masses who apparently couldn't understand the older health recommendations of the USDA. After all, the incidence of cancer is more than 1 in 2. More than 2/3 of America is overweight. Adult onset diabetes had to be renamed due to the alarming frequency in which it manifested in elementary students. And don't even mention heart disease. Obviously the American public needed something they could relate to:

A plate!

That's the USDA's replacement for the diet pyramid. And it's piled high with information to keep the fat cats fat while keeping us all sick and stupid (and fat, too, of course). Some highlights:

--Consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fatty acids by replacing them with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Courtesy of the Corn and Soy Lobbies (and the other vegetable oil lobbies).
--Increase intake of fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, or fortified soy beverages.
Courtesy of the Dairy and Soy Lobbies.
--Use oils to replace solid fats where possible.
Courtesy again of the Soy, Corn, and Vegetable Oil Lobbies again.
--Consume foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as fortified cereals.
Courtesy of the Wheat, Corn, Soy, and Dairy lobbies--now that's team work!

I think the major problem with the whole plate idea is assuming the government is a good source for health advice. But if there's anything we don't need, it's a second serving of advice from the USDA.

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